Roller chains

Rexnord RexPro roller chains

This is a new efficiency class. The new RexPro standard is the result of additional research and development by Rexnord. Improvement of previous drive chains, selection of high quality steel, optimized production methods, during RexPro oil, gives drive chains even greater efficiency and better properties.

  • Outstanding protection against corrosion and wear;
  • Seam-free, shot-peened rollers. Bush – high surface hardness, hard wearing;
  • Extremely eco-friendly / Country of Origin Certification.
    RexPro 1


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    Rexnord roller chains
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    Sertificate of roller chains – ISO

    Link-Belt roller chains

    Rexnord Link-Belt roller chains are suitable for use in various standard applications.

    Rex Link belt


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    LinkBelt roller chains
    pdf file format symbol
    Sertificate of roller chains – ISO

    Donghua roller chains

    Donghua roller chains – have full range of roller chains, especially for agricultural machinery and special chains with attachments.

    donghua logo


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    Donghua roller chains
    pdf file format symbol
    Sertificate of roller chains – ISO